About Us
Our Story
Families undergo various levels of stress, and within that dynamic, children develop differently: some will develop resiliency while others will develop cognitive, emotional, behavioral and even psychiatric disorders, due to the situations they endure. After completion of the Ed.D. in educational psychology, Dr. Callahan began to present his research of children who experience trauma to educators, administrators and parents; the impact was overwhelming. Educators who once thought that all behavior issues are simply a student’s inability to control themselves suddenly realized that early life stress could be a significant factor in how the student acts, performs and bonds within the classroom. Due to this ground breaking research Dr. Callahan launched FIND in order to educate those interested in making the student successful in their learning endeavors.
At FIND we continue to research the impact of early life stress in children and adults. We work closely with educators, parents, and schools to bring academic, behavioral and relational changes in students impacted by early life trauma.
Our Purpose
At FIND it is our desire to increase educational awareness of the neurological impact of early life trauma in children.
One of our main goals is to assist educators in redirecting neural pathways in students who have been impacted by early life trauma. This will help them increase their academic performance, increase their peer to peer socialization and decrease negative behavior patterns.
Through the development of classroom tools for educators and counseling we aim to help children and adolescents. With each of these programs, we look to help children develop the tools needed to overcome early life stressors, to succeed in everyday life and give them hope for a better and brighter future.